Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Another Payola "Scandal"

From the Washington Post (registration required):
The issue of pundit payola, it seems, is not limited to inside the Beltway.

Eric Wesson, a columnist for the Call, an African American newspaper in Kansas City, offered plenty of praise last year for the successful House bid of Democrat Emanuel Cleaver. "Rev. Cleaver," he wrote, "has the experience to get things done and getting people to work together, he unites people. . . . Rev. Cleaver is a master at getting others to see his vision and surrounding himself with role players to make the vision become a reality. . . . I admire his honesty."

Cleaver's campaign last summer paid $1,500 to a firm called One Goal Consultants. And the sole owner of One Goal Consultants, according to state records, is Wesson.
HT to InstaPundit.

This is no more of a scandal than the Maggie Gallagher non-story. What's interesting about this one is that Cleaver hired this guy again after he got elected for more consulting work.

And here is something that I think the Williams detractors ought to take to heart:
"It wasn't that we were trying to buy support," Washington says. Amber Moon, a spokeswoman for Cleaver, says the Call is a weekly that "goes to his base. I'm not sure he had a need to court favorable journalism with that paper."
Something about preaching to the choir...

For the record, the WMD staff has not accepted ANY political funding. In fact, what little funding we have received has come from our advertisers, which is clearly marked as such. We aren't making a killing here...that's not why we do what we do. The same could be said for Williams, Gallagher, AND Wesson...

Mark's Remarks

That glaring silence you hear from the Lefty bloggers is the loud and obvious silence of their own blatant and ignorant hypocrisy. If they are going to crucify these other folks, then where is the outcry against Wesson....So much for no liberal bias by the so called Mainstream Press, who have reported the Williams, Gallagher, and false credentials stories, but where is the condemnation of Wesson and Cleaver?

Islamofascism Delenda Est!