Tuesday, February 15, 2005

The Gannon/Guckert Controversy

By Matt for the TIB Network:

We haven't address this on WMD because quite frankly it really isn't a story.

The liberal blogosphere seems to think this is a story, but all it really is doing is exposing their hatred for a constituency they say they support.

Is Guckert gay? I don't care. Did he run some risque websites on the side? I don't care. Did he use an alias? Looks like it. Does that matter? Not to me. What of the fact that this guy worked for a conservative news organization? I don't care. Ever hear of Talon News? Nope. Does it make a difference? Not hardly.

As Scotty points out in the interview linked above, he isn't involved in the credentialing process. Neither is the President. What is the big deal? I don't know. It's not like the guy got fabricated documents supporting the President and went on a live nationally aired news program with them. (11:15AM Update - It's not like he slandered the American military with no proof whatsoever either.)

Am I glad he's gone. Actually, yes I am. If you aren't willing to sign your real name to your reporting, you shouldn't be in the White House press pool...even if he wasn't a regular. Should he have been allowed to ask whatever questions he wanted? Yep...it's called the First Amendment. Freedom of the Press and all. Even if the President knew who this guy was, which he didn't, who cares whether or not the guy throws him a softball?

This just isn't news...

Mark's Remarks

Well, you see, Matt, anything to attempt to derail this second term....You see, they hate it when Republicans get things done....To wit, in a book I am finishing, Harold Ickes reveals the real reason he was upset with Democrats who voted with the President for the Medicare reform bill: "It's totally beyond me...I think it has seriously undermined our ability to change occupants of the White House...Republicans will make it sound like they invented Medicare...That's a big piece of political real estate to give up." Wow, so much for the Left being the party of helping people over politics, eh?

This is a total non-story. This person, whose acts were duplicit in gaining credentials, did not, in fact put forth falsified documents as fact. This person, in fact, did not lie about stories they reported. This person, in fact, did not make illegitimate claims about his colleagues being targeted by American troops. I would think that this might be a small little ethical journalism story, rather than the firestorm the Lefty bloggers have made it. This person's lying has not harmed political discourse in this country. This person's lying did not demean our troops and provide aid and comfort to the enemy. This person's lying did not besmirch falsely a head of state.

So, what is the story?

Islamofascism Delenda Est!