Friday, February 25, 2005

Weapons Proliferation Update

By Matt for the TIB Network:

The WMD Mailbag Correspondent sends us this Yahoo News article with the misleading headline of "U.S. Says 'Thousands' of Missiles Missing." What is misleading about that headline is that it doesn't tell you what kind of missiles. If you were to just glance over the headlines you'd be lieft with the impression that there are thousands of nuclear missiles on the loose somewhere...that ain't the case.

We're talking about shoulder-fired anti-aircraft missiles here. They are a serious threat to our civil aviation. American Stingers and Russian SA-7 as well as several other missiles of this type from various manufactures and points of origin are out there right now.

I do not support a ban on the sale of these weapons though. Taiwan needs these weapons. I can see a need in South Korea as well. I'm sure Israel makes their own, but I can see a need for them too. (Not an exclusive list - just thinking off the top of my head here...) If there were a global ban on the sale of these weapons, these countries would be in trouble. I do think the sale of these weapons needs to be better regulated and tracked.

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