By Matt for the TIB Network:
Here is the latest from the newly selected Chair of the Democratic Party:"We are going to embrace pro-life Democrats because pro-life Democrats care about kids after they're born, not just before they're born."Just to make sure I didn't take him out of context, here is a source for the quote.
That's just outrageous. But that's the kind of rhetoric we've come to expect from Mr. Dean.
We aren't the only ones noticing... Fr. Frank Pavone, from Priests for Life, a national anti-abortion organization:
"If pro-life Democrats care about kids after they're born as well as before, it's because they're pro-life, not because they're Democrats. I certainly hope the outreach of the Democratic Party to its pro-life members will not continue to echo this highly unfair implication that the rest of the pro-life movement does not care about born children."Well said, padre.
"The real question is how long the Democratic Party will continue to pretend that it can champion any human rights while undermining the most basic one, life itself. If a politician can't respect the life of a little baby, how can he respect yours or mine?"