By Matt for the TIB Network:
Former former deputy undersecretary for international technology security John Shaw thinks so. He is quoted in a NewsMax article as saying:"While in Iraq I uncovered detailed information that Spetsnatz units shredded records and moved all WMD and specified advanced munitions out of Iraq to Syria and Lebanon," stated Shaw during an exclusive interview.Now, I'm skeptical about such things until there is actual evidence. But there is plenty of circumstancial evidence to support the theory...
"I received information from several sources naming the exact Russian units, what they took and where they took both WMD materials and conventional explosives. Moscow made a 2001 agreement with Saddam Hussein to clear up all Russian involvement in WMD systems in Iraq," stated Shaw.
Shaw's assertions match the information provided by U.S. military forces that satellite surveillance showed extensive large-vehicle traffic crossing the Syrian border prior to Operation Iraqi Freedom.
Assuming that Syria has these weapons, the fear that I have is that Syria will use the Iraqi WMD against Lebanon.
A question to ponder: Why would Russian units do this? Unless we're talking about some sort of rogue operation (which is pretty darn scary if you ask me) or Russia had a compelling reason to assist Saddam in moving the weapons (plausible, I suppose, and not as scary, but still pretty scary).