The budget deficit has overtaken terrorism as the greatest short-term risk to the U.S. economy, and concern about the current gap is rising, a survey of U.S. businesses shows.Of course ECONOMISTS would say ask a bunch of counter-terrorism experts the same question.....
In a survey of 172 members of the National Association for Business Economics, 27% said the deficit or government spending is the largest short-term threat to the economy, up from 23% who thought so in August.
Terrorism dropped to second on the list, with 24% saying it is the biggest threat, down from 40%. Those most concerned about the deficit in the current account — the largest measure of U.S. trade with other nations — tripled, to 15% from 5% in August.
Look folks, deficit spending is the problem...not the deficit itself. We need to stop spending money frivilously and prioritize our needs from our wants. That's going to require Republicans AND DEMOCRATS to give up some of their pet projects.
Want to know why we can't have "universal" health "care"? Deficit spending. Want to know why the President proposed a "cut" in Medicaid? Deficit spending. Liberals CAN'T have it both ways...they want to criticize the administration for spending, yet won't shut up about their own Holy Grails...