Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Oh! The Humanity!

The WMD Mailbag Correspondent is freaking out because apparently films that feature evolution aren't being shown on 12 screens here in the United States.

HALLIBURTON! I demand an investigation! Total Outrage! Oh...the humanity!
Several Imax cinemas in the US have refused to show films referring to the theory of evolution for fear of a religious backlash, it is reported.

Viewers at a US test screening judged films which contradicted religious descriptions of man's origins as "blasphemous", the New York Times said.

As a result science films were denied screenings in approximately 12 large-screen Imax cinemas.
You see, unlike the socialist regimes in Europe, capitalism is at play here in the United States...if a business thinks a product won't sell or will cause them problems they don't want to deal with, they don't have to sell it! AMAZING! And SHOCKING! too.