Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Feminism to Blame for More Shootings by Cops

We all witnessed the tragedy a few weeks ago in Atlanta when Brian Nichols subdued a female bailiff, went to her locker and got her gun, and then killed two people, including a judge. The New York Times, in its infinite liberal stupidity, came up with this gem: "budgets can affect safety inside courthouses." Yep, those Bush tax cuts are to blame again for an ill of society.

Wrong. It was feminist dogma that called for it being legit to have a 5 foot tall grandmother escort a 250 lb. former linebacker accused of violent crime to trial. Of course, NY Times, I guess Atlanta was living high on the hog next time Nichols was in court, as he was surrounded by 17 guards. Here is the solution for stopping such violence: have alrge men escort and arrest violent criminals!!!!

Don't get me wrong. I am not against women cops. I am not against women in the workforce. However, there are some things to consider. For the most part, women have weaker upper body strength than men. Therefore, there as not as many unlethal options for them. The statistics bear me out. And unlike the liberals who cite studies saying there is no problem with female cops being assaulted or shooting first, I will give a source. The source comes from economist John R. Lott, writing "Does a Helping Hand Put Others at Risk? Affirmative Action, Police Departments, and Crime", from Economic Inquiry, 4/1/2000.

According to the Justice Dept.'s Law Enforcement Management and Administrative Statistics, cited by Lott, women cops are more likely to shoot civilians than male cops. They don't have the options of intermediate force, so they are more likely to go straight to lethal. According to Lott, each 1% increase in female police raises civilian shootings 2.7%. Also, female officers are more likely to be assaulted than male officers, according to the article.

Noteworthy and anecdotal to this craziness is that feminists lobby for the strength tests to be watered down for women. Tragically, this blind following of feminist and politically correct dogma over common sense helped lead to the tragedy in Atlanta. Maybe there is something to be said for Harvard's former Dean who said simply, that there are some differences between men and women. Just some things to consider....