Monday, April 04, 2005

Freedom of the Press in Canada

Fellow righty blogger, Ed Morrissey, has been banned in Canada for reporting on a story that Canadian journalists themselves are not permitted to report.

Just another case of liberals in power hiding the truth from the people...nothing to see here...move along...move along...

Mark's Remarks

If you want to see what America would look like under the so-called Fairness Doctrine, here is your case....

Liberals are not about freedom of expression or about freedom of rights. They are about freedom from responsibility. If you say something stupid and hateful as a liberal, and people stop buying your products (see Dixie Chicks, Margaret Cho, Jeaneane Garofalo, et. al., Moby, etc.), then you are being discriminated against. However, if a conservative says something and people respond well to them, then you are being brainwashed and are merely sheep.

Sorry, folks. It is called the FREE market for a reason. If you want to appeal to people, you have to market yourself and produce good product. Hate does not make a good product, unless if you are catering to the fringe Mikey Moore element.

Again, liberals want freedom from responsibility. That is why they are pro-abortion, anti-marriage, anti-family. They just want to frolick and fornicate and act stupid without any consequences. However, you can only have this privilege if you think like they do. Anyone of another opinion is shunned, attacked, and maligned, if not physically assaulted (like Matt and Aaron Margolis).

That is liberalism today. And to think liberal comes from liberty in etymology.