As Catholics mourned the death of Pope John Paul, French leftwingers and a major teaching union criticized the government on Monday for ordering flags on public buildings to be lowered in a sign of respect.I love the French...they're so...French...
Socialist senator Jean-Luc Melenchon and Yves Contassot, a senior Green party member on the Paris City Council, said the government had abused its powers in ordering the official tribute to the Pope, who died on Saturday.
The Unsa union said the government was guilty of double standards having ordered schools to take part in the tribute to a religious leader while having banned Muslim headscarves in state schools in a drive to keep schools firmly secular.
Insta-Update: Arafat Status
Mark's Remarks
For those who think this is mixing politics and religion, NEWSFLASH: The Vatican is considered a country, and the Pope a head of state, as opposed to being head of a terror organization, like Arafat. It has been this way for nigh about a century or so, for those of you in old Europe just waking up.
Also, the whole separation of church and state, at least in the United States, IS NOT IN THE BLOODY CONSTITUTION! It is freedom of religion, not freedom FROM religion. Good gravy, can't you people, like, you know, read the document before you try to interpret it?