Friday, April 29, 2005

Kiss This, Dingy Harry

Harry Reid, in comments that sounded like they came from a Vine Street Hooker rather than from the floor of the US Senate, said that the latest proposal by Sen. Frist on judicial fillibusters was "blowing wet kisses to the far right."

Tell me, Mr. Reid, who are you kissing? When judges have been praised by both sides of the aisle, like Janice Rogers Brown, yet you encourage your members to do something that has not been done in the 217 year history of the Constitution, who are you kissing? Could it be the pro-abortion Left? Could it be the Michael Moore Wing of the party? When you allow Senators like Chuck Rangel to say without impunity or punishment that this President should be impeached with no founding charges, who are you kissing? When you as minority leader vow to shut down the Senate if you don't get your way, then who are you kissing? When you, as an elected official in a system that recognizes majority rule, no longer accede to the wishes of the majority, who are you kissing? Mr. Reid, you showed a blatant lack of class as well as understanding of the Constitution when you pulled this.

And here is the kicker, Mr. Reid. Our side isn't kissing anyone. Your side is. You are kissing up to us. I mean, after all, two years ago, all of these 11 judges were outside the mainstream. Now, you are talking about approving five if we don't change the rules. And, here is what shows your true 3 year old mentality--you can punish us later if we fillibuster, just don't take away our right to do it on more serious judges, like the Supreme Court....

Come on now, Dingy Harry--could you act your age and not your mental capacity? You are a joke, your leadership is a joke, and you are beginning to feel the pressure of the American people. When even the New York Times says you need to let the judges get the up or down vote, then you know you are in trouble. Mr. Reid, you are a dolt, a partisan hack, and a divider. You disgrace the great state of Nevada with your rhetoric, especially how it is you and the Senate who inject faith into the debate, not Republicans. It is your party chair, not ours, that has politicized and who has threatened to politicize, the Schiavo case.

More evidence the Dims are cracking...Now, if only Senator Frist would grow a pair....