Friday, April 29, 2005

Title Match

Pelosi vs. Hastert.

And the win goes to Hastert on points...maybe Pelosi should read the stuff she's talking about next time, eh?

Mark's Remarks

First it was the rules differences. All we ever heard was the rules changes Republicans made, RULES CHANGES, by the way, THAT ARE IN LINE WITH GRAND JURIES' RULES ALL OVER THE COUNTRY. So, Hastert calls Botox's bluff...And guess what? The bar just got moved again....The Left in this nation has no core, no leadership based on ideas, merely on vengeful obstruction politics. You see, they don't want DeLay to be investigated, because it would cause the Dems doing the same things to be investigated; AND, it would resolve the issue by clearing DeLay or getting the thing over with. The Dims just want to keep it as an issue, not investigating it, but stoking the fires of conspiracy so they can win elections. Who cares if valuable time that could be spent on policy is eaten up, we have power to regain, right Nancy?

With this crying fit about the staffing issues (c'mon now!), you have shown this is not about ethics or even truth seeking. It is about smear and hate and vengefulness, the hallmarks of the Democratic party of the 21st century. Hastert has made a major coup by agreeing to the rules change, to prove it is not about seeking the thruth about Delay, it is really about the politics of smear and corruption. It is really about the politics of hate and smear and fogging the truth. It is really about smear over substance. Nancy Pelosi and the Dims have no new ideas, they only have the far left nonsense of the Michael Moore wing of the party.