The so-called "
Social Security Truth Truck Tour" as presented by the Alliance for Retired Americans isn't telling their consituency the truth... How many times does the President have to tell the American people that the proposals being considered WILL NOT EFFECT THOSE CURRENTLY ON SOCIAL SECURITY nor those close to retiring. Their benefits will remain UNCHANGED. How long before these shills for the Democratic Party will stop taking advantage of our nation's elderly?
Feel free to give them a call...they can be reached at:
Tyler Prell or Julia Appel, 202-518-8047
Someday those of us who would like private accounts are going to be old too... I'm just saying...
Mark's Remarks
Answer to your question: when the elderly quit being sheep, and only thinking of themselves. These groups are so divisive. The AARP and this group are full of lies and obfuscations. There is no destruction of the system, there is a modification, allowing people to invest half of the total payroll tax in a private account that is STRICTLY REGULATED, and unlike the money the government has raided from the trust fund, this is backed by the full faith and credit of the United States of America. Wow! Real guarantees instead of a phantom debt that is not on the books! Doesn't that sound better? To the future, yes, but these liberal groups are turning people against their children and grandchildren....