Where are you Little Frenchie? I'm calling you out on this one...
Is this the sort of discourse that passes for "tolerance" in Belgium? If so, it is vile and disgusting. Will you do the honorable thing and disavow it? Or will you jump on the bandwagon and celebrate it?
Hat tip to The Jawa Report but if you want the story from a real Belgian who gets it, go here.
So much for "bridging the divide" between America and Europe. These people are total @$$hats...
Mark's Remarks
@$$hats? Appeasing, froglike, toady little @$$clowns is more like it....join me, if you will, on a trip back to the planning for this pamphlet:
After enjoying a healthy portion of Belgian waffles with goatcheese, the Belgian (aka Little Brother France)Minister guy, with his fake waxed up moustache (you know, to make him look more French) hatches an INGENIOUS idea:
"We will show those American cowboys! We will smite them with comparing their President to a monkey! This will show the true nature of Belgian power! It will show the world we are no longer to be considered the northern county of France! It will get to bow before us! It will be even better then Belgian chocolate!"
Wow, is that all ya got?