Sunday, May 01, 2005

Another 'Piece' of the Clinton Legacy....

Just remember that picture of Maddy Albright and Kim Jong Il toasting each other with love in their eyes when you read about this....

Tell me, ex-Madame Secretary, who the hell are you to talk about competency for a job when you and your boss Bubba allowed Kimmy to proliferate as much as you did?

Maybe instead of worrying so much about a legacy, Mr. Clinton, you should have simply gone out and done your job, you know, instead of interns....

And please note the intel report--North Korea can now arm missiles with nukes. Thanks again, Bubba, for helping make the world safer--NOT!

Note to the State Department and the White House: Remember this failed appeasement attempt by Clinton in the 1990s when you deal with Iran. Don't give the bad guys the materials they need....