While trolling for something to watch on a late Saturday night, I came across Real Time with Bill Maher...shocked that it wasn't F-wood or Queer as Folk or the L Word or some other alternate lifestyle worship piece, I decided to tune in for a minute....and I was not disappointed. More projection from a crazy ranting lunatic who said we got what we deserved on 9/11(that's why Politically Incorrect was cancelled by ABC, because only Michael Moore and the Hollywood Left tuned in). He said Republicans were the ones who were very angry without cause for being so (huh?!? When did you hear Republicans saying that Al Gore should be punished for his words, that he is a dolt, a gang leader, should have been impeached, etc. and no, I do not count). As usual, Bill Maher has no clue. He lives in his liberal bubble were third tier celebs like DL Hughley and Camron Mannheim tell him how witty and funny he is. Truth is, he is simply a peddler of projection. The Democrats are the angry obstructionists, not the Republicans. The Democrats are the ones who are changing tunes daily on Ethics Committee holdups and judicial nominations....
Bill Maher...you sir, are an @$$clown.