Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Immigration Madness Update

From WorldNetDaily:
A Mexican senator from President Vicente Fox's party is pushing a bill that would dispatch federal, state and local law enforcement personnel to the border to stop migrants from crossing into the U.S., saying he wants to cut down on the death toll suffered by illegal aliens.

Sen. Héctor Osuna of the National Action Party says he hopes to lower the number of Mexicans dying in their attempt to reach the U.S., which last year reached a record high of 369, the San Antonio Express-News reported. Migrants die of heat stroke, drowning, dehydration or assaults.

"I'm a border man; I've personally seen how dangerous it is out there," Osuna, a Tijuana mayor in the 1990s, told the paper from Mexico City. "We need to convince people once and for all to stop leading themselves to their own death."

Osuna's idea is a hot topic in Mexico, with some senators accusing him of violating the Mexican Constitution and migrant advocates likening him to anti-immigration forces in the U.S.

The bill originally called for the Mexican army to shut down the entire border with the United States, but after it passed a committee, the government pressured him into withdrawing the legislation and toning it down. According to the Express-News, the bill now calls for shutting down just the most deadly crossing areas, such as the Sonoran Desert along the Arizona border.
Shut the whole thing down El Senatore...