Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Patriot Act Games

From Newsday:
U.S. Attorney Kevin O'Connor has given this speech all over the state. This time he's speaking to attorneys at a yacht club in this bastion of privilege, trying to dispel widespread fears about the anti-terrorism Patriot Act.

"The reality is no U.S. citizen's rights have been violated in the three years we've had the Patriot Act," O'Connor said. "While I may be fascinated in the books you read, I just don't have that luxury to go on fishing expeditions."

As Congress weighs whether to renew the Patriot Act, federal prosecutors around the country are trying to counter objections to the law by hundreds of towns and cities from New England to North Pole, Alaska.
Emphasis added.

And this is my problem with the detractors of the Patriot Act. When you go crying "WOLF!" there had better be a wolf...one day, there might actually be one, and nobody will listen...