Friday, June 17, 2005

More CoinGate Nonsense from ONN

Check out the update to this article:
State Senator Marc Dann (D), one of the democratic party leaders investigating the BWC investments said “This is the smoking gun that is bringing down the culture of corruption,” in reaction to the Conrad e-mails.

“This also gives the scandal national implications," said Senator Dann. "Was this information suppressed because Ohio was a battleground state in the 2004 Election?" “Could something like this have swung enough voters to change the outcome of the Presidential, Senate, and other elections? This raises even more questions: were other statewide elected officials involved, such as Attorney General Jim Petro, Auditor Betty Montgomery, and Secretary of State Blackwell? Why did it take so long for the Governor, Attorney General, and Auditor to take action to stop the money losses? They claim they all found out about the loss on the same day. The public finds that hard to believe.”
There is no Republican response to this nonsense. I want to know why, so I wrote the reporter an email:
Mr. McCoy,
I see at the bottom of the article is an update with quotes from State Senator Marc Dann (D). Question: Will you be going back to a Republican for a response to these ridiculous accusations? Or are you going to carry on with the fine tradition of so-called objective journalism that we've seen all over the coverage of this scandal?

Why not attempt to get some answers to the Senators questions from Republican officials? I have. And your readers could benefit from those answers, but at the moment they are only available in the alternative media and blogs like mine. Or is it simply the fact that you and your editors think this black helicopter conspiracy theory is a better sell because it fits your worldview?
As usual, I will post any reply...

Response from McCoy

Mr Hurley--

Thank you for writing. Yes, at 2:15 today we are expecting comment from Governor Taft which will be included in our evening newscasts and will be updated on our web page.

Unlike Senator Dann, who made his comments in a news release today, the Governor is making his comments in person in Ashland whioch we are covering in person, thus the delay in updating our web page with Governor Taft's response.
We'll see...

3:25PM Update

Still no update on the story. Could Taft STILL be talking?

4:15PM Update

Man...the governor must be REALLY WINDY today...still no update...

4:45PM Update

Still no update to the story. Maybe they put the update up on a different link. I think I'll email the reporter again...

6/20 Update

They finally got an update up on Friday...I don't know when - but the damage would have already been done if folks had read the thing earlier in the day like I did. The addition to the story is not timestamped and placed BEFORE the other update, so it looks as if the Democrats get the last word...again... Also note how the update was phrased to counter every point that the Governor makes...if only ONN reporters would do that to the Democratic Talking Points too...