Wednesday, June 29, 2005

More Rumors Reported as News

Now rumors are fueling allegations and accusations of "floating Gitmos" usual, there is no credible evidence to suggest this is actually happening, but that won't stop our intrepid media from speaking truth to power... (Yahoo News)
The UN has learned of "very, very serious" allegations that the United States is secretly detaining terrorism suspects in various locations around the world, notably aboard prison ships, the UN's special rapporteur on terrorism said.

While the accusations were rumours, rapporteur Manfred Nowak said the situation was sufficiently serious to merit an official inquiry.

"There are very, very serious accusations that the United States is maintaining secret camps, notably on ships," the Austrian UN official told AFP, adding that the vessels were believed to be in the Indian Ocean region.

"They are only rumours, but they appear sufficiently well-based to merit an official inquiry," he added.
Perhaps if the UN would take terrorism half as seriously as they do in anti-Americanism, we wouldn't be in this mess...

And if our media would be less anti-American, real objective journalism would be helping our cause instead of hindering it.

A guy can dream can't he?