Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Amerisave: Another Democrat Vote-Buying Scheme

The Democrats have finally gotten around to unveiling what passes for their idea of Social Security reform. Neal Boortz seperates the wheat from the chaff:
If you are in the low or middle income groups -- the Democrat's favorites -- you will get matching funds for every additional dollar, beyond your Social Security taxes, that you invest for your retirement. Where do those matching funds come from? Why, increased taxes, of course! Where else! Increased taxes on high-achieving Americans.

What a plan! You take money away from people who don't generally vote for you and give it to people who do generally vote for you, and you call it Social Security reform! And how much money? Original estimates are around $75 billion for ten years. That, of course, will turn about to be hugely underestimated. In every election cycle the Democrats will come forward and promise that if you'll just vote for them they will take more money from the evil rich and add it to the retirement accounts of lower and middle-income Americans.

Amerisave is a vote-buying plan. Nothing less.
And the beat goes on...

Mark's Remarks

And they wonder why more of the wealthy in this country are choosing to invest in other countries with better tax structures? Whenever this type of "kill the rich" business is tried, it fails miserably. Look at how stagnant the economy was in the 1960s-1970s...You had over a 90% tax rate on the highest earners.

The Democrats just don't get it. Socialism does not work.

And just wait for the scales of who is high vs. middle income to be moved every year, as more funding is needed....It is the typical Dem plan....Keep punishing those who work hard, in increasing rings, so you can buy votes from the lowest common denominator--noting that, you will not help them out of the destitude, but you will give just enough to get them hooked. Democrats are showing themselves to be little more than street pushers, figuratively speaking.