Thursday, July 28, 2005

Challenge for Hackett Supporters

1. Why is Hackett advertising unagreed to town hall meetings?

2. Why is Hackett using these pseudo-meetings to smear Jean Schmidt?

3. Why is Hackett running ads in which he does not identify himself as a Democrat?

4. Why is Hackett running ads in which it appears he supports President Bush when in fact he is quoted as having said that Bush was a bigger danger than bin Laden?

5. Why is it that Hackett claims to be for lowering taxes but his record in Milford shows he was part of raising taxes every chance he got?

6. Why is it that Hackett has to unleash attack dogs to stifle someone's 1st Amendment rights when all they were asking for was a little clarification, not besmirching a man's service?

7. Why is it that Hackett has not faced charges for fraudulently marketing these pseudo-townhall meetings when it has been released that Schmidt did not agree to them?

8. Why is it that Hackett claims Social Security is not broken when Daniel P. Moynihan, Bill Clinton, and other Dems in 1998 said it needed fixing. Even Harry Reid, now a parrot of "it's not broken" said in 1998 that private accounts could help fix the problems of SS ??