Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Blogaversary Bleg

WMD's second blogaversary is this weekend...we'd love to hit 40,000 hits by then, so tell all your friends to stop by and say hello!

We have new graphics for the site which we'll be debutting on Friday (I got some work to do on the layout!) that our good friend Kevin B. worked so hard on...

I hear that later today Tom might have a review of the Doug Movie new movie 40 Year Old Virgin. Doug has been working on a few ideas for a piece or two as well. And Mark might drop in too if he ain't too busy... :)

Mark's Remarks

Very funny, Matt. Very funny. However, could we please quit ripping on Doug? After all, he is the smooth pimpin daddy GANGSTA O' LOVE. I mean, he even has the book, for heaven's sake! He has his own manuever! Enough already! I mean, just because Tom's knuckles drag the ground and Matt has to sit on a 7 foot stepladder to see over the table, it does not follow that we should make so much fun of Doug, especially since he does not return in kind, or should I say he does return it by simply being kind!

It's OK, Doug, I got em for ya. Now, you owe me one.