Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Did You Know?

Col. David Hunt:
Our men and women have inoculated every child in Iraq. We have built over 3000 schools and Iraq is pumping oil at 97 percent capacity. But you would not know that. Johnnie and Jane Soldier are doing a great job, but the fact remains that it is easier to get a picture of a burning tank than it is to get an Army General or Colonel to allow the press anywhere near the good things going on.
Which is really great news that you aren't hearing...
The State Department and the CIA are rotating their men and women to Iraq for just 90 days. You can’t do anything in 90 days. You cannot unpack your bags, get used to the heat, the food or the dust storms in 90 days. You clearly cannot effectively spy in 90 days. Any organization that would think so little of the effort that they approve deployments for only 90 days is a leaderless, insipid and just plain stupid organization.
Now, this is disturbing. This is the sort of thing that makes me question the will of these agencies to fight this war. And that needs to be fixed. Pronto.

Mark's Remarks

Talk about your highs and lows. A great series of things going on, with the innoculations (careful, if any Iraqi has a reaction, the lefties will say we are poisoning the way, did you know Karl Rove gave Pete Jennings the cancer? that is the latest lunatic left theory, by the way). We are building schools, we are training soldiers, and we are pumping out that oil at better capacity each and every day. Great work, Joe and Jane Soldier! Unlike the Lefties, we appreciate and applaud what you are doing...Just to review, here are some things to be proud of in the conducting of this war:
_3000 schools built
_no more rape rooms
_no more torture camps
_electricity at prewar levels
_women being able to go to school
_better quality of health care
_relief actually making it to the people, as opposed to Saddam's coffers

Now,we come to the CIA and State Dept. stories. These two agencies are the "redheaded stepchildren" of this entire saga. The State Dept. was too busy worrying about who we were making mad instead of looking at who was out to get us, and the CIA was too busy doing God only knows....mostly handwringing, as it turns out, and not doing and providing enough to get serious before 9/11. Sadly, it appears that despite the best efforts of the new leaders of these agencies, the same sad state of affairs continues.