Thursday, August 18, 2005

Murray on "That Scientific Consensus on Global Warming"

From The Corner:
Yet another big-name scientist has resigned from an official committee dealing with climate change because he feels the "consensus" view is being railroaded through the scientific process. Roger Pielke Sr of the University of Colorado explains why on his blog. Dr Pielke is one of a number of scientists who study the effects on the climate of other "forcings" than just greenhouse gas emissions, and feels that this important work is not only being marginalized for political reasons (see his blog, passim) but that the tactics used by the "consensus" view (media briefings, etc) are not in keeping with the ideals of the scientific process. It is also relevant that Dr Pielke was "disinvited" from appearing at a Senate hearing on global warming recently held by Sen. Domenici (R.-N.M.). As a result, as Dr Pielke says, "[T]he Senators were not provided a balanced Hearing on climate science."
Of course, there are still those who have their heads in the sand saying there is a consensus...

This topic comes up every now and then on this blog and every time there will be somebody who thinks there is a scientific consensus that global warming is a fact. There is still too much we don't know about this planet...only arrogance and an agenda would lead one to portray a position on this subject as a consensus.