Thursday, August 18, 2005

The Sheehan Gauntlet

Ohio 2nd bloviates:
The buck stops anywhere but here members of the once Grand, now Grotesque Old Party have begun their characteristic assault against Cindy Sheehan.

[WMD excerpt from a post written by Mark redacted.]

They will say anything. They will do anything. Power is all that matters to them… not values, not morals, not human life, not human dignity, not personal responsibility, not integrity… just power. It is a cancer eating away at the soul of our great nation.
You know, dude...if you spent more time cleaning up the garbage in your own party so we could get a loyal opposition in this country, we might have something to talk about. The liberal projection in regards to values, morals, human life and dignity, and personal responsibility are just too ridiculous to address...all I can say to Ohio 2 is to stop looking in the mirror...

I'm sorry your party keeps losing elections. I can't help you with that...

Let's talk about Sheehan, if we must... That the Left continues to abuse this poor woman is shameful, vile, and disgusting. Her grief should be a personal matter, not national news. She has put herself on the national stage, not the other way around. She has a right to speak, but she does not have the right to be heard. And she doesn't have the right to take the national stage and not have her motives questions for doing so. She is an activist. She is not entitled to special treatment. Nobody is... The longer she stays on the national stage the further she degrades her son's sacrifice.

Democrats failed to learn this lesson after 9/11 with the Jersey Girls. There are some issues that you just shouldn't politicize. The deaths of American soldiers is one of those issues.

Mark's Remarks

Firstly, I do sympathize with the loss of Ms. Sheehan. It is sad and tragic to lose a child. As someone who has counseled grieving parents, and as a teacher who has lost a student to death, I do understand grief.

You know, maybe Ohio 2 was right. You know, maybe I am wrong. It is the MSM who is doing this, not so much Ms. Sheehan. it is Mr. Trippe,, Code Pink that are exploiting Ms. Sheehan's loss. Ms. Sheehan is merely the latest sheep to be led to defamement.

However, let's examine some things. The Swiftboat Vets came out against John Kerry. They said, this happened and that. There are some unanswered questions we want answered. They were ignored and dismissed, even as John Kerry refused to answer questions.

Now, look at Ms. Sheehan. She is allowed to go out there and make false accusations against not only the President (he killed my son), but against the soldiers, claiming there is "nuclear war in Iraq, that it will be contaminated for decades." Yes, she did make these comments in a speech before going to down to Crawford.

Ms. Sheehan claims that she just wants answers to her questions, like if George Bush knows what her son died for. Well, shortly after her son died, according to published stories, Ms. Sheehan had her answers. She met personally with the President and with his staff. She stated publicly that she believes the President believes in liberating Iraq and valued her son's sacrifice. However, just a few months later, she is igniting this firestorm. Hmmmm...what might have happened?

Crazy Lunatic lefties like some out there will say Karl Rove used the Jedi mind trick on Ms. Sheehan and brainwashed her. Here is the real story. Before her son enlisted, Ms. Sheehan was already a moderate Democrat. She had left leanings. She hung with the liberal crowd. When her son died, she met with the President. She probably was shocked he did not have horns and a tail and cloven feet. She probably genuinely had her barriers broken and was moved by the President's caring. Hence, why she spoke so glowingly about his reaction and his kindness.

However, as the weeks went by, her Lefty friends began peppering her with criticism and cray fever swamp theories. They probably did more of the McChimperor Shrubinbush nonsense talk and eroded her picture of the President. They kept peppering her, and her predisposition to hate Bush returned. So, instead of dealing with her grief and loss, coming to grips that her son made a choice to enlist, then reenlist, knowing the consequences and possibilities; instead she chose to not deal with reality and set out on a vendetta. And, her friends in the Left got her name out, got the cause out to folks like Code Pink and, and they createda field general in their war for power.

So, Ohio 2 may have been partially right. Ms. Sheehan is just another victim. Wrongheaded though she may be, she is just a victim. She is being used. Already, the MSM is attempting to annoint a peace mom successor, with the mom named Lyla who appeared in the hatefest "Fahrenheit 911". Ms. Sheehan has become obsessed, and the media has fed her unhealthy obsession. Her surviving son has pleaded with her to come home. Her marriage has failed. Now, her mom has had a stroke. Will the MSM still comfort her once Lyla becomes the new field general? Probably not.

Ms. Sheehan had every right to be angry. Death and loss do that. However, true healing and growth comes from understanding and coming to grips with reality. Sadly, the MSM and the hate filled left in this country have hindered that progress for Ms. Sheehan. They instead are keeping her filled with hate, filled with anger, and filled with unbalanced notions of America being "responsible for Terrorism" and that America is a fascist state except for the internet. She has said that America is not worth dying for, that we are murderers.

Is this the words of a caring mother who lost a son? Compare them with the words of Moms here locally who recently lost sons (see articles around this one). Compare it to the words of Keith and Mrs. Maupin, whose son remains missing.

What infuriates me is that the MSM in this nation are only focusing on Sheehan, as if she has the mantle of being able to speak for all 1800+ families. Why aren't they talking to people like those here locally, like the Maupins, to provide some objectivity? The answer: they are sympathetic with the Left. They want to paint a picture of a hateful and uncaring President who just likes to play war. They want to paint the President as aloof and uncaring when that is far from the case. This President has braved the warzone, has made countless trips to hospitals, and has spent many hours with families. His predecessor did not see wounded soldiers from Kosovo or his other excursions except at very public photo ops. That this President does it mostly privately should speak more to his sincerity. That enlistment rates are going up recently should show where most Americans' hearts are.

However, the MSM wants to paint a picture of failure. And, when the terrorists see the news, as that is their only window on America, they see success. That is why I say thank Cindy Sheehan and and Code Pink. They have so become enraged and hate filled because they have a disagreement with the President they don't care that they are in fact giving encouragement to the enemy. I stand by the post, and I stand by my words.