Monday, September 12, 2005

Bad News for Betty

In a story about Ken Blackwell, Ohioans for Concealed Carry eliminate Betty Montgomery as their choice but come just short of endorsing Blackwell.
In a Betty Montgomery (R) vs. Ted Strickland (D) general election, gun owners would most likely vote for Ted Strickland – and they’d be well advised to do so since Strickland is clearly the more firearm friendly candidate.

Gun owners who vote Republican in next year's primary will have to choose between Jim Petro and Ken Blackwell, unless one of the two steps down. Some might say that Ken Blackwell is the ideal Governor for the law-abiding gun owner, while others would point to the fact that only Jim Petro has been put in a position to prove it -- by enacting Ohio's reciprocity agreements aggressively, and defending the law aggressively in both the courts and formal opinions.

On the other hand Ken Blackwell offers the prospect of a Governor who could very well be the exact opposite of Governor Taft, and one less stumbling block to true firearms rights reform in the State of Ohio over the next four to eight years. This is a realization that would make most gun owners think twice before casting their vote.
Give 'til it hurts, people. The man who will be our nominee for governor needs your support.

Mark's Remarks

Signs the Montgomery campaign is in trouble: I was asked to be part of a steering committee for her, by a dear friend who is helping her campaign. However, I must say no. Ms. Montgomery is too close to the establishment GOP that has turned our party into a national joke. She is too close to Gov. Taft and the rest of that ilk.

Ken Blackwell is labelled as a maverick, but not in the John McCain mold. He is more a mainstream conservative than either Montgomery or Petro. Blackwell will not wilt on issues of gun ownership and the like. Ken Blackwell will truly live by ethical standards he sets, not equivocate and violate ethics standards, and then beg to keep his job, as Bob Taft has done.

Ken Blackwell should be the GOP candidate for Governor, chiefly for three reasons:
1. He is a break from the insiders of Taft and Co.
2. He is a strong conservative, favorable with most voters in Ohio.
3. He respects the rule of law and has high moral and ethical standards.