Sunday, September 11, 2005

Today's Laugher...Just the Headline is a Joke!

Governor Defends Louisiana's 'Exit Plan'

Um....excuse me Madam Governor, what Exit Plan? The NOLA plan that was not followed as it should have been? The plans to fix the levees that you and Senator Landrieu diverted money from? What plans exactly?

Let's see what Governor Tabula Rasa Has to say:
"There was not a single individual taking a slow step in our state," Blanco said at the Reliant Center, where more than 2,000 evacuees are living after fleeing the devastation in New Orleans.

Uh...don't you remember turning down federalization, saying you needed an extra 24 hours? Don't you remember dragging your feet on sending the guard in? Sounds like someone has a case of selective amnesia!!!!

Blanco insisted the state had an evacuation-and-rescue effort that prevented thousands more deaths.

"Were there lessons learned? You bet," she said in a tense 14-minute explanation after being asked to elaborate on Louisiana's storm plans.

"We did a massive evacuation, and if we hadn't we would have had thousands of deaths. Right now, the numbers are minimal when you consider the amount of damage."

Umm...I would say chief lesson is that you are an ineffectual, indecisive, incompetent excuse for a leader. Next, I would say that you had no solid plan, that you instead chose to go on a plan formulated a few years ago that would have resulted in deaths. You failed to execute even your flawed plan, and then allowed your administration and local officals to blame an agency that has no first response capability, even though it was you who kept out the charities because you didn't want more people coming to the shelters.....