Thursday, October 27, 2005

Can you believe ...

... that SOMEONE would put me up to making fun of my good friend Doug.

[11:43] _____Matt: anybody else think this is a bad idea?...
[11:43] _____Matt:
[12:13] JediMaster__: this is wrong
[12:14] _____Matt: LOL
[12:14] JediMaster__: is it on the blog yet?
[12:14] _____Matt: saving it for u...
[12:14] JediMaster__: LOL
[12:15] _____Matt: :)
[12:15] JediMaster__: leaving the heat for me :)
[12:15] _____Matt: that is what i excel at, isn't it?

I suppose this could just be a conspiracy or just equal opportunity? He was late for the conference call - this could be payback...

Matt's Chat

This is circumstancial evidence at best. Never happened.