Thursday, October 13, 2005

An Education Proposal

One of the "pet projects" that I am working on is an idea that Chris from TwoBabes and I started talking about and then she blogged on it to get some more ideas. This is something of a continuation of those discussions. If the TwoBabes crowd wants to jump in, I say "feel free"...but I especially want to encourage the WMD regulars to express their ideas as well. My goal is to put together a proposal to present to Congressman John Boehner, chair of the House Education Committee.

Here is the link to the original thread over at TwoBabes.

The idea is this: create a pilot program where we establish a charter school whose faculty is comprised of veterans. The vets can come from a program called Troops To Teachers (TTT), but that's not a requirement. The purpose behind the school is to provide an excellent academic environment with emphasis on citizenship.

Enrollment: Chris is of the opinion that enrollment should be limited to those students who come from a low income/high risk environment. I'm not opposed to that, but I'd like to consider the implications of open enrollment. At any rate, the teachers, parents and students will come together and sign a contract not unlike an Individual Education Program (IEP) wherein all of the requirements and expectations will be laid out.

I think the advantages to such a school are obvious...but what do you think?