Thursday, October 13, 2005

Handwritten Beethoven Score Found

I love stories like this (ONN):
A handwritten score by Beethoven goes on display today after being found at a suburban Philadelphia seminary.
The New York Times reports the 80-page working manuscript of the composer's "Grosse Fuge" (grohs foog) was found in July by a librarian at the Palmer Theological Seminary. She discovered the work while she was cleaning out an archival cabinet.

The score is expected to fetch one-point-seven (m) million to two-point-six (m) million dollars when it is auctioned by Sotheby's in London on December first.

It will be on view at Sotheby's in New York from November 16th through the 19th.
I don't know what's more amazing...that a score like this has been found after all this time or that it's been here in America for all this time and nobody knew it.