Thursday, October 13, 2005

Holy $#|+ Update

Check out this story from World Net Daily. I'm not going to get in to the specifics of the story, but check out this bit near the end of the story:
Rev. Tom Reese, former editor of the Jesuit magazine America, says the sex-abuse scandal involving hundreds of priests across the U.S. is forcing forced church officials to rethink how accused priests are dealt with.

"Cases are solved quickly on 'Law and Order,' where you have police, lawyers and judges," Reese told the Albany Times Union. "We don't have those things in the Catholic Church. And then the American justice system washed its hands and said, 'We aren't doing anything.' So, with no experience, the church had to step in and build a system from scratch."

"You can either line (priests) up and shoot them, or try to establish a system that's just," Reese said. "It doesn't happen overnight."
Excuse me???!!! The Catholic Church has hid these cases and not cooperated with the American justice system. This line of crap about having to devise a system to deal with it is crazy lunacy. It is real simple: turn over the priest and the evidence to the appropriate authorities and let justice be done. Yet again, the Church chooses its arrogant path.