Friday, October 07, 2005

Immigration Madness Update: Lima Sheriff Strikes Back

This is just awesome...from Lima News:
After receiving a letter from the Mexican consulate warning him about profiling Mexicans, Sheriff Dan Beck said Monday his agency may increase enforcement against illegal immigrants.

“If this is the type of attitude he wants, it appears he’s trying to coerce me into doing noth-ing. It tells me this is a more important issue. He just raised the priority here,” Beck said.

Beck was talking about a letter he received from Antonio Meza, the consul for the Mexican Consulate in Detroit. The letter was sent to Beck last month after Beck announced a plan to train his deputies on recognizing fraudulent forms of identification.
So, it looks like Beck might step up his efforts because of this letter. Outstanding. The Mexican Consulate should send out more of these letters so it backfires some more.
In the letter, Meza said he’s been informed that Beck’s agency is targeting Mexican nationals living and working in the area. He also said Beck’s officers have gone as far as to ask Mexicans for their immigration papers as they wait to be picked up by their employers.

“I cannot see being an immigrant and a day laborer as reasons to be profiled,” Meza wrote.

Meza went on to say Mexicans come to the community to work and do not cause problems. His office has advised Mexicans to respect and cooperate with police, he said.

“However, if they begin to mistrust you and believe that you are not interested in solving crimes but acting as deputy of Immigrations agents, it will make everyone’s jobs more difficult,” Meza wrote in the letter.

Meza said a Mexican national includes an illegal immigrant.
Meza needs to realize that illegal immigrants have violated the law. Violations of the law are...wait for it...a crime! Shocking, yes, I know...but TRUE! Guess what the police are supposed to do, Mr. Meza? I don't know what they do in Mexico, but here in the United States, we rely on our police forces to stop crime.

Perhaps it would be more constructive for the Mexican consulate to spend some time encouraging Mexican citizens to OBEY THE LAW and if they want to come here, they should do so legally...that way, they wouldn't be committing a crime by just being here.

Mark's Remarks

Further proof that Lima is not the armpit of the US or Ohio, but rather Cleveland!

Congrats to the sheriff, you have our full support!