Friday, October 07, 2005

Hewitt v. National Review

10/5/05 @ 4:30PM

"Give me a 'B'"

The only thing missing are the pom-poms......

10/6/05@4:55PM UPDATE

I'm not the only one who sees it...

10/7/05 @ 10:35AM UPDATE

Well, at least he admits taht he is a shill for the Party... My frustration with Hugh is that he supports the party over principles. Every. Time. That's not to say that he doesn't take issues with individual Republicans; but I guesstimate that 98% of the time, you can expect Hugh to bust out the pom-poms... If that's what you value.......

Mark's Remarks

Before Matt outfits me for some Bush Spirit uniform, let me say this in response to the Harriet Miers issue. I feel that many in the conservative arena are falling prey to elitism and are not giving the process a chance, and are using convenient scare tactics to scare other conservatives. This could have deadly consequences for the Bush presidency.

First, the false claim of this being another Souter. George 41 did not know Souter. He took someone else's advice and said, um, ok. If anything, Miers is the anti-Souter because Bush knows her. Does this mean we should take it on blind faith? No, absolutely not. That is what the process is for. However, people like Ann Coulter and Kristol, and others have jumped on this because this is not who THEY wanted.

Second, the intellectual inferiority argument galls me. This is where the elitism comes in. Ann and Co. are upset because Harriet has not written enough in law reviews or op eds. No, she was too busy practicing law. And therein lies the falsehood of the "she hasn't written enough" argument. Lawyers write thousands of pages, it just doesn't get published. If being published were a criterion, Al Franken would be more qualified than Clarence Thomas, and we know that is a joke.

Lastly, we get the "she hasn't been a judge argument." Neither was Rehnquist, who went on to be one of the greatest justices for judicial restraint in the history of the Court, not to mention that he was one of the best thinkers. Neither was Thurgood Marshall, nor John Jay, the first Chief Justice. Another straw man.

Look, I am not saying I love this pick. I don't. However, I do not hate this pick and am not opposed to Ms. Miers. I don't know much about her. I want to know more. I have questions. That is what the process is for. I think Ann and Co. are upset because W picked someone they were not familiar with, that he should do THEIR bidding. And that smacks of the elitism that we are always on the libs about.

While I do not like the pick, I am willing to listen. I wonder if the same can be said for the frothy mouths of Ann and Co.