Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Montgomery Nonsense

Today's laugher comes to us courtesy of the Montgomery campaign's press release and Yahoo News...

Monty gets some polling group to do a poll of 801 likely Ohio voters and I'm supposed to take her at her word that she's more honest and ethical than Ken Blackwell and Jim Petro. I'm supposed to believe that Monty "continues to be the only one of the three candidates running for the Republican nomination for Governor who can win the election in November" despite the fact that the only poll that picks her to win is this one.

I'm supposed to believe that Monty is the only GOP candidate who beats both Coleman and Strickland when this is the only poll that shows those results.

I'm supposed to believe that this isn't a push poll of some sort.

So much for honesty and ethical behavior, Monty...nice try.

"Ohioans want their next Governor to be someone they can trust and Republicans want to nominate a candidate who can win next November," Montgomery said. I agree, that's why I'm with Ken Blackwell. You know, the guy who actually has the right stuff to lead Ohio out of the Taft Era...

Mark's Remarks

This is why I turned down working for the Montgomery campaign, even though the offer came from a dear friend of mine whom I admire. She is just too contrived, too much a speaker and not a doer. Ken Blackwell gets things done. His time as mayor showed that; his initiatives as SecState has shown that, and his suggestions for oversight have been proven prescient, given the CoinGate scandals, etc. By the way, shouldn't Ms. Montgomery, if she is supposed to be respectful of conservative values and a true responsible person, have been keeping better tabs on the state's investments?

Ms. Montgomery is an insider hack with the Ohio GOP. In fact, the only reason, I believe, my friend is working for her is that she is a friend. I am not sure that he believes in her other than as a friend. As someone not so connected but in the process, I can objectively see who the better candidate is. And it is not Petro or Montgomery. Ken Blackwell is the one for Ohio.