If anybody can find that blog piece I'm referring to (or anything like it), please drop me a note in the comments or the WMD Mailbag...I'd like to give proper credit and context to whomever that was...
10/12 Update - Related Stories
This isn't where I remember reading this story originally, but Project Logic does have the Hackett motor home story. I disagree with his conclusion that this is a bad sign about Hackett's fiscal restraint with taxpayer dollars...in fact, I wish candidates wouldn't spend ANY tax payer money of buses and airplanes, but they do. That Hackett wouldn't wait for campaign funds or federal matching funds or whatever is cool with me...The BizzyBlog story on Hackett's promise to return to Iraq can be found here.
Thanks to Porkopolis for the research time... :)
Mark's Remarks
Paul Hackett has shown himself not to be a man of honor. I, for one, though; am glad that he did not honor his pledge to go back to Iraq when he lost the OH-2 election. I do not want that type of person leading men into battle. I do not want a person who would try to deceive voters with commercials painting him as something he is not: conservative. Paul Hackett is the latest stealth liberal candidate from the Left. You see, they think that they still control all forms of media, like the "good ol days" of Big Media dominance. However, they are wrong. If even a weak, neophyte, compromise pick like Jean Schmidt can beat Hackett, what chance does he have on the larger stage? Of course, there is always the Cleveland vote, or as I call them, the armpit quarterbacks.