Thursday, October 06, 2005

More Kelo News w/ a Local Twist

This is why I read Bizzy Blog. He catches the stuff that I manage to miss...

Apparently, the head of the Democratic Party in Cincinnati is the go to guy for emminent domain seizures. Tim Burke is representing the city of Norwood seize property for another one of them "development" projects.

Yep...that Democratic Party sure is out for the "little guy" aren't they?

Good catch, Tom B...

Mark's Remarks

They are the party of the little guy when it suits them. I have seen the so-called development in Norwood. Wow, lots of parking lot spaces, no buildings. Those were homes. Of course, when you are pursuing so-called "urban renewal" (read: making homeless less desirables) with this Kelo decision you don't care what it looks like, as long as the "beautiful people" are served.