Friday, October 07, 2005

Nobel Farce Prize

Two AP News Alerts:
OSLO, Norway (AP) The International Atomic Energy Agency and its chief, Mohamed ElBaradei, have won the 2005 Nobel Peace Prize.

VIENNA, Austria (AP) U.N. nuclear chief Mohamed ElBaradei says Nobel Peace Prize "sends a strong message" about the agency's disarmament efforts and would strengthen his resolve.
This agency and it's figure head "leader" is a joke. Oh, this prize will strengthen his resolve alright...he'll send out even more stern letters saying, "Don't do that, Iran." Yeah, that'll get the job done. Sure.

Mark's Remarks

Let's see....Inadequately handled checking on Iraqi machinations on atomic weapons. Failed to handle inspections on the North Koreans. Failed to halt Iran from getting nuke tech. These led to:
1. The Iraq War
2. The threat of Nuke War with North Korea
3. The threat of war with Iran....

What exactly has Baradi done to advance the cause of peace, again?

Oh wait, these are the same folks who gave the Peace Prize to the OB/GYN of Terrorism, Jimmy Carter....