Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Rep. Schmidt Signs Katrina No Pork Pledge

Eric Kephas of Project Logic reports that Congresswoman Jean Schmidt has signed the Katrina No Pork Pledge.

Also in that report, Eric informs us that Schmidt also voted "no" on HR 3895, the Rural Housing Hurricane Relief Act of 2005, which had very little spending controls. I agree with Eric that it is good to see that Schmidt is willing to buck the trend and fight the good fight on spending control. Let's see how long that lasts...

Mark's Remarks

I imagine it will only last as long as Schmidt is not approached by the "moderate" RINOs in the House, who have a bit of control, and threaten her with crap committee assignments. Jean Schmidt has not proven to me yet that she will fight the fight of fiscal responsibility and no increased taxation. Her track record in the State General Assembly has not shown this, nor has her past campaigns encouraged me to "trust" her. I remain skeptical, but acknowledge that this is a good step in the right direction.