Friday, October 07, 2005

"We the People" Update 2

The list is growing. The latest from the Buzz at NRO:
Arizona: J.D. Hayworth, Jim Kolbe, Rick Renzi

California: Richard Pombo

Colorado: Marilyn Musgrave

Connecticut: Nancy Johnson, Chris Shays

Indiana: Chris Chocola, John Hostettler, Mike Sodrel

Kentucky: Geoff Davis, Ron Lewis, Ann Northup, Hal Rogers

Louisiana: Rodney Alexander, Richard Baker, Jim McCrery

New Hampshire: Charlie Bass, Jeb Bradley

New York: Randy Kuhl, Tom Reynolds, James Walsh

Ohio: John Boehner, Mike DeWine, Dave Hobson, Deborah Pryce, Jean Schmidt, Pat Tiberi, Mike Turner

Pennsylvania: Mike Fitzpatrick, Jim Gerlach, Melissa Hart, Curt Weldon

Washington: Cathy McMorris, Dave Reichert

Wisconsin: Paul Ryan

Wyoming: Barbara Cubin
George Soros is a menace to society that should be reckoned with swiftly.

Previously on WMD

"We the People" Update
Ethics Alert

Still no word from local liberals on whether or not they support this partisan hackery...