Friday, November 11, 2005

S.O.B. Alliance Meets Bill Pierce

Last night, a few members of the S.O.B. Alliance (Mario from Porkopolis, Tom from BizzyBlog, Doug, Mark and I) met with Bill Pierce who is running against Mike DeWine in the GOP primary for the US Senate.

Mr. Pierce's story is one that will make you angry at the bureaucracy of the federal government. His book is a must read for anyone thinking about going in to small business. What will double the anger is the impotence of our elected officials who Mr. Pierce tried to engage for assistance.

I was initially quite skeptical of a candidate that makes his announcement with four people in attendance, but I found out last night that Mr. Pierce has an interesting strategery. The announcement was made a time that was convienent for media coverage, but during the middle of the day when most people are at work. He was assured of media coverge this way. He's been travelling the state for awhile and has visited some 50 counties and he plans to make his presense known in all 88. He's taking this race seriously.

While I still think he has a mountain to climb, I know that he knows...and he has his boots on a good walking stick. His biggest challenge, I think, is going to be fundraising. DeWine has an impressive war chest already, but I think he's already looking towards the general election. Pierce is taking his message directly to the county parties and if what he says is accurate...

We've been predicting a major blowback against the "establishment" Ohio GOP and it sounds as if a significant number of the county parties are fed up with Columbus. This will be a very interesting election cycle.

Mark's Remarks

I have not read Mr. Pierce's book yet, but I am itching to do so. His story is one that is fit for Hollywood, with the exception that it is all true. He appears to be passionate in his drive to reform our system, to reinstall necessary legislative oversight over the bureaucracy that is controlling our lives more than any government.

Mr. Pierce seemed to me, upon first impressions, to be a tiger hiding in Mr. Rogers' body. He looks like Mr. Rogers or another kindly teacher. However, get him started on the issues of reform and education, and you see a passionate tiger come out, ready to move and take down harmful areas. He appears to understand what he is getting into, and is willing to take the challenge, having staked his whole livelihood on this endeavor.

I, too, was skeptical of Mr. Pierce. However, after hearing about his resume of working in the Reagan campaign, in addition to his business experience, and his being on the other side of government, I was more and more impressed. He can articulate his plan and his vision for how government should work clearly. I am still waiting for Mike DeWine to do something besides waiting for the latest poll.

This brings up another good thing Pierce talked about. Except on abortion (them hicks in SW Ohio hate that there abortion), what else has Mr. DeWine been clear on? What else has he shown a clear vision on? Aside from winning elections and acting like your friend, only to leave you high and dry, not a whole lot.

While I still think Mr. Pierce has a very high uphill road, I would encourage people sick of the establishment GOP and their emphasis on win elections, screw principles (just like their counterparts in the Ohio Dems) to check out Mr. Pierce and to maybe see if you like him and his philosophy.

As an educator myself (albeit an underemployed one), I was impressed with Mr. Pierce's nuanced views on NCLB. While we both agree that it has a noble purpose and some good starts, it is incorrect in that it leads to teaching to the tests. I was very enthused to listen to his proposals at solutions and his understanding of the issues.

Again, Mr. Pierce faces an uphill battle, but if all the people I have conversed with who claim they are honestly sick of Politics as Usual for the GOP and are sick of DeWine, then Mr. Pierce should get a groundswell of support. However, beware the Ohio GOP destruction machine.

Mr. Pierce has made some enemies in the party hierarchy, including Portman and DeWine, as well as Mr. Bennett himself. He will have to live squeaky clean and be able to explain every single issue of his past in debate. However, Mr. Pierce is hoping for this, as it will expose the truth of his arguments about the tyranny of the federal bureaucracy.

My suggestions for Mr. Pierce, as someone who wants to see a healthy debate and then decide on who gets the nomination would be to:
2. Provide that technological audio we discussed at dinner (Mario suggested it)
3. Pick people in each county who know the people
4. Stay above the mudslinging, until you are attacked first, even then, do not go after the personal but stick to professional failures

Stay should be interesting.