Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Speaker Hastert on Blogs and Freedom of Speech

A very interesting bit of insight from the Speaker's blog today:
Today we’re taking up the Online Freedom of Speech Act. It’s a good bill. Republicans and Democrats in the House and Senate are supporting it.

This bill is about all the folks out in the blogosphere. It’s going to protect what you say. It keeps the hand of the Federal government out of Internet speech.

Listen, I know that some of you out there may not agree with me on everything. That’s okay. But if you want the freedom to keep blogging and saying whatever you’re saying without government intervention, this is the bill to support.

There’s nothing wrong with political dialogue online. It’s public debate.

The fact of the matter is we’re going to continue to see new technologies. And that’s good. They’re helping people stay in touch with government – and become more involved with government. When I first started in the House, we got handwritten letters and phone calls from constituents. Now we’ve got email. And blogs.

There’s no reason to let the FEC load down political online messages with a bunch of bureaucracy and rules. I say, let the people debate online if they want to.
Surely, liberals can go along with this sentiment can't they? Both RedState and Daily Kos are working together on this one.

Learn more about H.R. 1606 here

11/3 Update

Ohio 2 points out that Rep. Jean Schmidt voted against this bill. I think the S. O. B. Alliance should ask her why...I know it will be among my first questions...

Mark's Remarks

This was good legislation, I am upset that Ms. Schmidt voted against it. We need the internet to be a free forum. It is one of the last free forums we have. And, it provides instant access and ability to debate and engage with others, as well as contacting our reps. Maybe she doesn't want to hear from her people so much? I dunno. Eric K., get on this!