Monday, December 05, 2005

The Circus Comes to Iraq

Apparently there has been some more theatrics in Saddam's trial this morning. When the judge refused to let Saddam's lawyers whine about how illegitimate the court was, they stormed out in a huff. Apparently there was some lefty-style chanting going on too.

And, of course, the judge eventually relented and let Ramsey Clark (boo! hiss!) ridicule the court that is ultimately going to determine his client's fate. How stupid is this guy anyway?

10:30AM Update

AP News Alert:
BAGHDAD, Iraq (AP) Saddam Hussein has told the court in his trial that "I am not afraid of execution."
Good for Saddam...because that is the likeliest outcome...

Mark's Remarks

What is scary about the Left in this country is that they don't care what they are doing. They are molding Saddam's defense for him. Just as the Kerry/Edwards mantras became al Queda talking points during the election, the "Bush Lied about Intel" meme and the "illegitimate war" meme are going to be used to defend this butcher and rapist. The Democratic party has become the trial consultants for the Butcher of Baghdad. This is akin to the Republicans after WWII saying that the invasion and occupation of Germany was wrong, that we need to give it back to the Nazis, that our war was not against them but Japan. It is akin to giving to Goehring and Co. the defense that the US was wrong in joining the Allies in invading, that we were lied to about Germany's progress in weapons development.

Sounds crazy, doesn't it? Well, that is what is happening in the modern Liberal elite circles today. Surely I can start to question Ramsey Clark's sanity, much less his patriotism, right? How about we really begin speaking "truth to power?" Jimmy Carter, Ramsey Clark, Bubba Clinton, they go around the world, telling every tin pot dictator how great they are, telling every one who will listen in foreign lands how wrong America is, and they get free passes? Come on now.