More reaction from S.O.B. Alliance members: NixGuy endorses Bill Pierce and Porkopolis piles on with some serious questions (link heavy).
Meanwhile, Sen. DeWine shrugs off the Defense/ANWR vote by saying: "I believe that whether we drill or do not drill, it's not going to provide enough oil to deal with our dependency on foreign oil," DeWine said. "Fact is, we need to move away from oil and into alternative sources of energy."
Nobody is saying that opening ANWR is the solution for eliminating our dependence on foreign oil. ANWR is an opportunity for us to keep some of the money that we are giving to countries who don't like us very much.
We do need to move to alternative sources of energy, but Sen. DeWine's pals don't seem to want those either. How many times have we heard "Not in my back yard" from these liberal environmental types? What opening ANWR does is allow a bit of a break for Americans while this transition to alternative energy takes place. There are two problems, as I see it: 1) there has been no consensus on what form of alternative energy should be pursued; and 2) in the minds of a minority of politicians, the almight caribou is more important than protecting our own interests.
Fact is, Senator, we need to move away from politicans like you who don't have their head in the game. We are at war. We need to act like it.
DISCLOSURE: I am the blog administrator for Pierce for Senate. The opinions expressed in this piece are mine and do not neccessarily reflect the views of Mr. Pierce or the campaign.
Mark's Remarks
ANWR would not be a permanent solution, but it would lessen our dependency on foreign oil. We are talking about a reservoir of oil that would last us for 50 years or so. This would drastically change the dynamics of the OPEC monopoly. This dependency on foreign oil is a big security problem for our nation. However, people who don't get it like DeWine don't understand the big picture. DeWine must go.
DISCLOSURE: while I am NOT the blog administrator for Pierce for Senate, I am a blog administrator here at WMD, so beware my power...muhawhawhaw....not.