We all know that the radical Islamofascists want to create a restored, unified caliphate, reestablish sharia law, and extend the hegemony of that law to the rst of the world. Does/did this play a role in the French Riots?
The media attention has focused on the rioters' cultural and economic marginalization, from which we can see that the socialist model of economics does not work, but there is another, more sinister issue at work. While France has never been kind to foreigners, it has not neglected its Islamic component. French officials have even debated funding some mosques. Nevertheless:
It has long been established there is a significant jihadist presence in France. Six Muslims in France were arrested for recruiting for the jihad in Iraq.
The rioters have been shouting the jihad battle cry: "Allahu Akbar." As Mohammad Atta wrote in his final exhortation to himself, "shout, 'allahu akbar,' becaues this strikes fear in the hearts of the non-believers." The media continues to ignore this, saying the riots are French born youth, of arab or african orgian, many muslim. In fact, the islamic identity of the rioters is quite clear: Rioters have avoided islamic owned businesses.
The rioters have thrown Molotov cocktails at two French Synogogues. They have also set two churches on fire, further reinforcing their islamofascist bent.
Postings on Msulim Internet blogs indicate that the riots were not spontaneous outpourings of rage. Some revealed not only the planning involved, but also the Islamic Supremacist goal behind them. One wrote:
The cops are petrified of us, everything must burn, starting Monday, the operation 'Midnight Sun' starts, tell everyone else, rendezvous for Momo and Abdul in Zone 4...jihad Islamia Allah Akbar." Another added: "You don't think we are really going to stop now? Are you stupid? It will continue, non-stop. We aren't going to let up. The French won't do anything and soon we will be in the majority here."
Could the Euro-jihad be underway? The riots have spread to Denmark, Belgium and Germany. Kind of scary, isn't it?
9:30ish Update
Could the Jihad have already Spread to Australia?