Tookie is no more. In an act of courage and integrity, Gov. Schwarzeneggar denied clemency to the four time murderer and self-proclaimed founder of the Crips.
What can Ah-nuld expect over the next year? He can expect commercials by the NAACP claiming he is racist, ala the James Byrd anti-Bush commercials in 2000, I wouldn't be surprised if the Hollywood Elite Left drummed up some Nazi reference commercials, saying Ah-nuld is for genocide.
However, I wonder if Tookie's victims had the luxury of just going to sleep and dying. Somehow, I don't think so. Sadly, they could not be reached for comment.
9:20ish Update
One of the Victims' stepmom speaks out. It seems her letter, among others convinced Ah-nuld not to grant clemency.
Lora Owens, whose husband — Albert's father — died 10 years ago, was a vocal opponent to the clemency pleas made by some celebrities, including actor Jamie Foxx and rapper Snoop Dogg, and anti-death penalty activists.
"Within seconds, though Albert pleaded for his life, Williams chose to become the judge, jury and executioner of Albert, then laughed as he lay dying," Owens wrote to Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, who denied pleas for clemency early Tuesday.
"Is Williams' redemption complete and sincere, or is it just a hollow promise?" Schwarzenegger wrote. "Without an apology and atonement for these senseless and brutal killings, there can be no redemption."
Having been granted her wish, Owens said she and her family could begin to find peace.
"I feel like I have done what I promised I would do and now I feel like I can put Albert and his father at rest," Owens said.
Ah-nuld made the right decision. Tookie did not seek redemption. He did not turn in other crip members. He did not cooperate. He laughed about his victims. I am sorry, but he made his choice.
Of course, the Hollywood Elite have their suspicions:
Yet some of Williams' supporters have said that Owens had ulterior motives to push for Williams' death.
However, as usual, they did not tell what those motives were, or what she had to gain. Never let lack of proof get in the way of a good smear, I guess.
Now, they will quickly forget Tookie and focus on the next cause celebre, to prove they are much more better and kinder and more civilized than you or I.