Monday, December 05, 2005

Kerry Having Flashbacks?

I need to ask the question: When are the Iraq Vets for Truth going to come out and challenge this clown?

From Face the Nation:
And there
is no reason, Bob, that young American soldiers need to be going into the homes of Iraqis in the dead of night,
terrorizing kids and children, you know, women, breaking sort of the customs of the--of--the historical customs,
religious customs. Whether you like it or not...

Kerry must be delirious, he must be suffering from dementia, or some type of mental illness. This sounds remarkably like Jonny Surrender back in 1971, misrepresenting false testimony from Winter Soldier, calling our troops in Vietnam Genghis Khans. Now, he chooses to castigate our fighting men and women in uniform in Iraq as "terrorizers?" Excuse me, Mr. Senator, that is the other guy's shtick, that being Saddam. But, then, elsewhere, Jonny Surrender says good things about the troops:
Absolutely not. In fact, in my plan, I have said very specifically that we need to keep Special
Forces capacity. We need to have the ability to go after hard intelligence. We need to chase down Zarqawi.
But we do not need 160,000 troops running around the country as a whole, exposing themselves as they are,
feeding the notion of occupation.

OK, so we need to get special forces to terrorize? Are we terrorizers or are we doing the right thing?

This whole interview sounds like the ramblings of some demented, sad, sack of old flesh who can't remember his name half the time...look at this excerpt at the beginning, the man seems incoherent and rambling, just like his little charade at the White House last week:

SCHIEFFER: Good morning again.
With us in the studio, Senator Kerry, and welcome back to the...
Senator JOHN KERRY (Democrat, Massachusetts): Good morning.
SCHIEFFER: ...Sunday talk show circuit. This is your first Sunday appearance...
Sen. KERRY: Glad to be here.
SCHIEFFER: ...I believe, since January, our first face-to-face interview since...
Sen. KERRY: Happy to be with you.
SCHIEFFER: ...the presidential debate before...
Sen. KERRY: Wow.

Good lord, man, stop your rambling and let Dan Rather Jr. get a word in edgewise. Thank God we elected someone sane and someone a little more coherent with a spine last November.