Hat Tip to Prof. Reynolds. It appears Kos is upset that Kerry "stole the limelight" from the rest of the Dims in his response to Bush's strategy. Wah, wah! He claims Kerry has no clear message on the war. Gee, and who in your party does, Kossie?
SoxBlog Has More on the story:
It’s at times like this that I just can’t resist the urge to say “I told you so” to my liberal friends. Since Kerry has taken his sorry act national, haven’t I been telling you all that everyone who knows him dislikes him? The stories concerning the senator around Boston that end with Kerry intoning, “Do you know who I am?”, are legion.
I know we’re never going to see the day where we all agree on the quality of George W. Bush as both a president and a man. But can we not at least agree that this country is fortunate to not have John Kerry as its president?
And It appears More People See Kerry as An Idiot Besides His Lib Pals....
From Qando Blog:
Sen. John Kerry:
"The truth is that the president draws a false line in trying to make his case to America. The troops don't belong to his point of view, they belong to America..."
Well, and I don't want to presume to tell a sitting Senator his business, but I seem to recall Article II, Section 2 of the Constitution giving the Executive branch just that—authority over the armed forces: "The President shall be Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy of the United States".
Qando, you are right. My copy of the Constitution says the same thing. Maybe Kerry should quit trying to rewrite it.
More from Qando:
Kerry accused Bush of resorting to "straw man" arguments in denouncing his critics' calls for a drawdown of U.S. forces. "This debate is not about an artificial date for withdrawal," Kerry said.
Nobody, said Senator Kerry, "is talking about running in the face of a challenge."
Well, he'd better tell that to House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi. Just paragraphs later in the same story, she said...
The top Democrat in the House of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi of California, today threw her support behind a proposal by Rep. John P. Murtha (D-Pa.) for a prompt pullout of U.S. troops from Iraq. Murtha [said troops] should be withdrawn within six months.
I love it. Further proof there is no message, there is no plan from the Left. Just run to the press, issue varying quotes, and see what sticks. And the lemmings who blindly follow them think these people are better at running a war? Come on now.
And, from Qando's Comments, this intelligent poster observes:
The troops don’t belong to his point of view. They belong to America and to Americans. They are Americans.
So what we should have is 52% of the troops fighting the war with conviction, 47% of them angrily testifying in Congress and/or protesting in Fallujah by tossing their medals over some fence still standing, and 1% of them refusing to go along with either crowd, confidently defiant to everything.
Earth to Kerry: We had an election. America chose. The title is "Commander in Chief". Not Military Democratic Procedural Facilitator in Chief.
But go back and read what he said, because what he said was that the smallest part of the insurgency, the most lethal, is the terrorist jihadists. The most significant part of the insurgency, by his own acknowledgment today, is the person who resists, and then the active Saddam believer who wants a restoration of power.
And neither of those will be beaten at the face of a gun. They will be beaten through the political resolution, through a solution that has to be achieved politically.
This lunacy is why John Kerry lost the election. al-Qaeda will not be meeting Kerry at the UN for tea, crumpets and negotiation. They are quite happy to meet our civilians in office buildings with fuel-laden airliners. They are happy to meet Iraqi children catching candy from troops with car bombs. They are happy to fill up stuffed animals with explosives Who do you think will pick those toys up in the streets, Sir John?
We are quite happy to meet them in the deserts and on the barren streets with the language they understand best. We’ve got toys too, but for the murderous and undiscerning.
Our own generals are telling the president that our presence in large numbers is part of the problem and that you have to begin to reduce that.
The president did not acknowledge that today, but gave us the same talk about simply staying as long as it takes to get them to stand up; though he slipped into one sentence, quietly, that we may reduce their presence in the cities and begin to redeploy them in some ways, which is what many of us have been arguing we should do.
Kerry has been ’arguing’ nothing of the sort.
Has he not been paying attention? Could he explain where the 200,000+ Iraqi Security Forces have come from and where they got their training and experience? Maybe, just maybe, he could talk to his friends, the French and Germans, who continue to refuse to assist training the Iraqi Security Forces in Iraq. They much prefer to train them outside of Paris and in Frankfurt, where they can apparently get more realistic counter-insurgency and counter-terrorism training.
Maybe Kerry & Crew would like to take a peek at this presentation, which charts the progress of the Anbar Campaign, showing chronologically the progress Westward to the Syrian border along the Euphrates River, first in Search & Destroy missions, then followed on town by town with Clear & Hold operations, held in larger and larger part by capable Iraqi Security Forces. Maybe there wasn’t enough time to notice between Washington Post car bomb stories and New York Times suicide bomber stories and San Francisco Chronicle IED stories to notice our boys do much of anything but stand up and get blown up.
You see, it’s already been happening, Senator Kerry. The Iraqis are taking control and are getting trained (no thanks to your beloved EU). Would you like to take credit for it?
As a matter of fact, Bill just attended a ceremony in Husaybah, Iraq that turned over control of the Iraqi-Syrian border there to the Iraqis.
Perhaps that transition was because John Kerry ’has been arguing all along’ that the Iraqis need to take control.
It’s at moments like this that I am supposed to keep my mouth shut and bite my lip, lest I say something uncouth or inappropriate.
But I can’t.
This kind of tripe cannot stand unchallenged.
(Please forgive the length of this comment.)
Written By: Steve Schippert
URL: http://wordunheard.com