Someone really needs to get good ol' Al Franken on the Fake US Soldier Ad flap.
From Opinion Journal
I guess Al Called them, because the Morons at moveon.org pulled the ad.
Once again, here is the criticism of an Army Captain about the ad:
James Taranto, the author of the OpinionJournal.com column, wrote that the Army captain was "an old friend" of his who emailed with his criticism. The captain was quoted as calling the MoveOn.org TV ad "completely offensive" and "a Bush-bashing ad" that "shows turkey and crying wives and blames Bush for it all."
As "the idiots from MoveOn.org ... pretend to argue on my behalf, they show a group of soldiers standing around a table in the Middle East," the captain reportedly wrote and added that the individuals in the photo were "actually British soldiers.
"One is in shorts (we don't have shorts as a normal combat uniform), and the others are all clearly wearing British pattern fatigues," the Army captain wrote, noting that people at MoveOn.org "don't even know what an American soldier looks like!"
Of course, the lemmings who follow the shmucks over at moveon.org will say it was Karl Rove's fault, or that they should pay no attention to the inaccuracies, because the photos, while fake, are accurate...WHOOPS, that's Dan Rather's and Mary Mapes's shtick.
This summarizes what we are facing with these liars and misrepresenters. Funny, I don't recall Al commenting on them in his books.
From the Officer's Club:
We're fighting a political war folks, and reality is our artillery. The fact that MoveOn has to distort truth to make their point speaks volumes about their case and their cause.
I want to take a quick look at these guys, because this isn't the first time we've seen a stunt like this out of their organization.
Move On likes retreat more than you think...whether it be from Iraq or one of their bogus ads. Does their latest retreat today remind anyone of their Bush = Hitler snafu?
How about February's controversy, where factcheck.org harshly criticized MO for their false claims that President Bush's social security plan would cut social security by 46%.
MO is collecting online signatures for a "Troops Out of Iraq 2006" campaign. Think Smurfette and the Green Latern will be signatees this time around?
Move On still believes that weapons inspectors were working in pre-OIF Iraq.
They blamed the President for Hurricane Katrina, in the face of overwhelming scientific evidence to the contrary.
MO also made the claim that they "own" the Democratic Party.
Evidence speaks for itself. These guys have been absolutely warped by their ideology, to the point where basic facts escape them.
Not the type of folks that we need to be making wartime decisions.