The Victor? Michelle Malkin. Check out this excellent posting and all the links.
I love this quote, which goes out to Bill Maher, Franken, and the rest of the no-talent celeb liberal elite:
It isn't out-of-control conservatives tossing Molotov cocktails at police officers in San Francisco, burning American soldiers in effigy, and smearing blood and feces on the walls and windows of military recruitment centers across the country to protest on behalf of peace.
It isn't rage-blinded conservative professors who embrace fragging (the murder of American soldiers by their fellow soldiers on the battlefield) as a legitimate anti-war tactic.
It isn't vengeful conservatives torching SUVs, condo developments, and research facilities, and targeting biotech and pharmaceutical company employees and their families to protest on behalf of the environment.
It wasn't mad conservatives sporting "F*** Bush" license plates, punching cardboard cutouts of the president, and vowing to secede after losing the 2004 presidential election...
Michelle is right...these folks are unhinged....